A proxy server is a kind of buffer between your computer and the Internet resources you are accessing. They accumulate and save files that are most often requested by thousands of Internet users in a special database, called “cache”. Therefore, proxy servers are able to increase the speed of your connection to the Internet. The cache of a proxy server may already contain information you need by the time of your request, making it possible for the proxy to deliver it immediately. The overall increase in performance may be very high. Also, proxy servers can help in cases when some owners of the Internet resources impose some restrictions on users from certain countries or geographical regions. In addition to that, among proxy servers there are so called anonymous proxy servers that hide your IP address thereby saving you from vulnerabilities concerned with it.

proxy server

A proxy server is a kind of buffer between your computer and the Internet resources you are accessing. They accumulate and save files that are most often requested by thousands of Internet users in a special database, called “cache”. Therefore, proxy servers are able to increase the speed of your connection to the Internet. The cache of a proxy server may already contain information you need by the time of your request, making it possible for the proxy to deliver it immediately. The overall increase in performance may be very high. Also, proxy servers can help in cases when some owners of the Internet resources impose some restrictions on users from certain countries or geographical regions. In addition to that, among proxy servers there are so called anonymous proxy servers that hide your IP address thereby saving you from vulnerabilities concerned with it.

proxy server

JavaScript may not be the best way to password-protect a webpage, but for those who do not have access to a CGI-BIN, it may very well be the only way. To provide these people with a decent JavaScript password protector that will keep out at least the average surfer, I've created this encrypted password generator.

password Generator

PHP seems very much in vogue now - with an increasingly greater number of web hosts providing support for it. For those who have only vaguely heard of it and are not too sure what it is, this article discusses PHP and informally compares it with writing CGI scripts in Perl.
PHP is a free server side scripting language. It can be built into web servers like Apache and you can use it to generate your pages dynamically. You would probably use it in situations you would have otherwise used a CGI script for. For example, thefreecountry.com's Feedback form (among other things) uses a PHP script to generate the form and send the message to me.

the last article vs

In this tutorial I'll show you how to create an image slideshow with an interesting fade-in effect for IE users (IE5.5+ to be exact). It relies on IE's multimedia filters, a quick and easy way to add interesting visual effects to content on your page. Here's what we'll see how to do:

You need IE5.5+ to see the transitional effect, though the slideshow itself works in all browsers. Lets begin shall we?
The Fade filter

Multimedia filters are a IE exclusive feature that instantly adds transitional effects to objects on your page that simply aren't possible using scripting alone. Here we are specifically interested in one of the filters called "Fade." Now, you may be familiar with a filter called "BlendTrans", which was first introduced in IE4; that one is now deprecated in favour of "Fade" (IE5.5+) instead, which is more efficient and contains subtle rendering differences. Like any filter "Fade" is defined using CSS syntax, either inline or within an external CSS:

Inline Definition:

External CSS Definition:

Both of the above are identical. It's probably a good time now to mention that Microsoft states that a filter can only be applied to objects on the page with a layout; in other words, objects with a defined width and height. This is important to know when you're applying filters to textual containers such as a P or DIV. In these cases, you'll need to also define (using CSS) a width for the element, and in many cases, a height as well, before the filter will work.

Defining a filter on an object by itself produces no visible effect- the image above when viewed in your browser remains unchanged. Filters remain dormant until they are invoked and manipulated using scripting, and that's what we'll learn next!

The conventional way to loading external JavaScript (ie: .js) and CSS (ie: .css) files on a page is to stick a reference to them in the HEAD section of your page.

for example

Create an ASP SQL Stored Procedure

Stored Procedures are very powerful database tools. They are essentially mini-programs and using SQL you can achieve many of the programmatic tricks you might use in an ASP page, including loops, if else statements and so on.

The useful thing about stored procedures is that they separate out the database activity from the displaying. This keeps your ASP pages very simple and makes maintenance a lot easier.

Here I'll introduce you to the basics of using a stored procedure and passing a parameter to it.

download article procedure